Entrepreneur Written Interviews Written Interviews

Entrepreneurship Interviews: A Conversation with Audie Burger, C.E.O. of Nighthawk Personal Protection

Audie Barger, a martial artist and former marine, talks with us about the need for personal protection and how it drives his company, Nighthawk Personal Protection.

He is keen on the importance of situational awareness and the lack of it for most people in a data inundated world.

by Prince John Gaither-Eli

How did you become an entrepreneur?

Coming from a big family (foster), I always had a drive to help people. I wanted a way to combine the care many of us receive in our family life with a business model that enables personal protection.

Who is Audie Barger?

No different than the average guy on the street. I’m someone who has a desire to help people like the homeless population. To me the average guy is someone who has a 6th grade or 8th grade education. Now I graduated but many of the homeless did not except those with a military background. As a martial artist and former marine, balance and discipline undergird myself and my business.

What is the the name of your company and how did you come up with?

Nighthawk Personal Protection. Now the personal protection is common sense but the particularies are not. I got the nicknmae nighthawk because I was continually looking for opportunities to release dreams. I’ve been doing this for about 10-15 years. My company deals with more than physical prowess in self-defense but also protecting your home and business. The average individual needs something to help in self-defense versus being a martial artist.

What is the role situational awareness in achieving personal protection?

Situational-awareness is key because you become present where you are and who is there with you. This is not about being paranoid but prepared. S.A. Is about being aware enough to be prepared for what could happen whether it does or not. Most people have little to no situational awareness. They fail to adequately assess risk and utilize peripheral vision. You have a way of entry but do you have an exit strategy? You want to be more prepared than the average person.

What difficulties have you faced as an entrepreneur?

I became an entrepreneur about one year ago where I seriously went into business. My main difficulties came from a lack of investment capital. It’s really hard to build your business when you don’t have enough money to allow the business to grow. Outside of money, I have not had any other problems. Still, this has been a huge problem. This has truly undermined my business.

Have you ever created a business plan for your business?

I did. I actually went online and took a start-up business course that was provided for me by the N.C.E.S.C. While I created the plan, I have not followed it. This has been due to the lack of capital to bring the plan to life.

Where do you see your company going in the future?

I see the company growing a great deal and the creation of a Nighthawk Foundation. I see growth in the business because of the partnership that can occur between my company and the nonprofit community. If I am able to get sufficient monies, my business will grow.

What advice would you give up-coming entrepreneurs?

Be patient and do your homework. Make sure you thoroughly complete your research before you go into a market offering certain products/services. Planning is where many fail. Don’t be afraid to talk to people. Brainstorm and write down what you come up with.

How does one handle the stress and strain of trying to build a business?

Rely on friends and family as a support network. You must talk to people as well as access all the resources available to small businesses. What has really helped me is being open-minded and willing to ask other people what they think about problems I have. You must give yourself sometime to be aware of where you are and reflect. Ask people how they resolved these problems.


About Prince John Gaither-Eli

Prince John Gaither-Eli (www.areusovereign.com) is a global investor, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. Seeking to engage and synergize the relationship between investing, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship, the “entrepreneurial philanthropist” or “philanthropic entrepreneur” works to eradicate chronic poverty, disease, and intractable leadership across the globe. With experience in a range of fields from conflict resolution, community & economic development, and geopolitical analysis, he desires to fulfill humanity's greatest occupation, a servant.

1 comment

  1. Betsy Clementson

    Banks pulling back on lending to small businesses is still a huge issue. But for the lack of capital, so many small businesses could grow and follow their business plans. I like that Mr. Burger emphasizes talking to people to learn how to solve business problems. Many entrepreneurs are willing to open up when asked.

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