
ENT 645 Interview (Luvina Sabree with So Natural Catering)

  1. Can you introduce yourself? Maybe where you’re from, what you’re passionate about and favorite hobby.

Ans: Described by friends as the only Queen Worker bee that they know. Luvina Sabree is living her life to the fullest! Luvina is the wife to a retired Army veteran and mother of six. Luvina is an Army veteran, Registered Nurse, author, former wholesale car dealer, real estate agent, and an avid maker of soap, bath, body and hair products.

Luvina is also the organizer of the Killeen’s Happy 2 B Nappy (H2BN) Hair Group. H2BN started in November 2005 as a way for sisters to embrace their natural hair. Luvina has been holding Natural Hair Day (NHD) monthly meetings for over 10 years to unite sisters from all walks of life to embrace their natural hair that God created them with. At each meeting, Luvina teaches the members how to properly maintain their natural hair, how to make natural products and the importance of eating organic. In 2011, Luvina took the natural hair meetings to an entirely different level and began the Armed Forces Natural Hair & Health Expo which offers NHD on a larger scale. www.afnhhe.com

In 2019 Luvina started the Veggie Fest to accommodate the growing vegan community in the central Texas area. In 2020, the fest became the Veggie and Art Fest to incorporate artist from all genres.

Luvina and her family are also the proud owners of Killeen area’s first full service organic restaurant, So Natural Organic Restaurant & Market. At So Natural we cater to the Paleo, gluten free, vegan and vegetarian diets. We also have healthy prepackaged meals on the go. www.sonaturalmarket.com

Luvina spends her free time with her family.


  1. What is your business all about and what motivated you to start it?

Ans: So Natural started out as an organic restaurant and market. We wanted to serve healthy food to the community. We wanted to make it more inclusive by accomadating vegan, vegetarian, paleo anf gluten-free diets.

My daughter Arabia had a skin condition called eczema. We changed our diet to eat more organic foods to help with her skin condition. In Chicago, we had a plethora of health food stores and restaurants but when we moved to Fort Hood, Texas, there were none. Being an entrepreneur at heart I was able to solve a problem that not only helped me family but other families as well.

  1. What are some difficulties you’ve experienced with your customers as it relates to eating healthy or health in general? Have you noticed a common problem?

Ans: People aren’t educated on eating healthy or they wait until they are sick to want to eat healthy.

  1. What advice would you give to someone that wants to be healthy but can’t seem to make that first step because they are busy or don’t know where to start?

Ans: Try our food.

  1. Do you have any testimonies from customers you’d like to share?

Ans: Oh my a lot. Please check out our reviews

  1. What is your current marketing strategy?

Ans: Social media and word of mouth

  1. Where do you hope to see your business 10 years from now?

Ans: Corporately owned and across the United States



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