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Interview with Hugh Simpson, creator of XP Eco Domes

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SME Interview with Hugh Simpson, creator of XP Eco Domes
By Devon Nease

1. What was your motivation for the Dome concept, and how did you arrive at this design for your product?
Hugh met with a successful real-estate business owner in San Francisco who turned him on to the dome concept for building structures many years ago, and this led Hugh to explore the dome building process in more detail. He later met other creative entrepreneurs who were experimenting with the dome concept, and one man in Greenville, NC who had a tried and tested design that Hugh really liked.

2. What is the market segment you are trying to sell the Domes to?
The original market segment for the domes was for consumers to buy for housing. These would be the next generation “tiny homes,” particularly targeting for our struggling military veterans. They could also be used for replacing homes that have been destroyed in hurricanes as quick replacements that would be more resistant to future storms.

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