Welcome to Advancement Daily’s interview series. Today, I welcome Kestrel Linder, co-founder and CEO of GiveCampus, an online fundraising and volunteer management platform for educational institutions and at the time of this publication, serves over 800 clients. Kestrel is a regular speaker on the evolution of technology, the future of philanthropy, and the engagement of Millennial’s and post-Millennial’s. He graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2005 and holds a Master’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.
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WNC Nature Center SME Interview- Kate Frost
I completed my interview with Kate Frost, marketing at the WNC Nature Center on Friday, April 17th. Kate had a unique view on marketing since it is a non-profit organization. It was so fun to hear how they market the Nature Center, especially since I have been going to this local attraction since I was a small child. I learned their target markets and how they have adjusted during this time with COVID 19 pandemic. I also was able to hear how the receive funding and what their brand image they want to project to their customers is. For your enjoyment I also included photos of the animals at the Nature Center (taken from their Facebook page) so that you may enjoy them while listening!
SME Interview Gary Bedoe Restaurant Owner (written interview)
1. How many hours a day do you work on average?
Typically 7 hours in the restaurant and 2-3 hours at home on the computer and phone.
2. Please describe/outline your typical day.
Every day I wake up at 8:00am and get coffee. Then I review emails, text messages from any employees, and then check social media for any reviews or comments.
3. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
It’s had a profound effect on my life and my family. Some of it good, and some of it bad. The good is it has been a learning experience for the whole family. My children and grandchildren have gotten involved and realize and respect the work it takes to operate a business. We have had the opportunity to work together and learn about not just the labor but the management, marketing, and finances involved to be successful.
Jordan_Audrey_ENT610_SME Interview_Amy Stone
I completed my interview with Amy Stone on April 06, 2020. Amy provided some excellent information as it relates to the importance of human resources being able to find the necessary people for each job. While most people often associated human resources with the hiring and firing process, human resources also must know relevant policies in addition to finding the right people. I find it amazing that Amy is interested in employee relations to better understand any problems that arise and how to address those problems. Through this interview, it demonstrates the importance of employees in the workplace and strategies that can be incorporated. This interview is only audio format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I look forward to any comments/feedback that you may have and hope you are able to learn from this interview.