As we continue to complete interviews I am pleased to continue adding social capital, networking and making connections! This interview came as a result of my last interview with Amber Hunter of Cherry Bekaert, LLP. After explaining to Ms. Hunter that I would have to interview someone for my entrepreneurial marketing course, she gladly connected me with her colleague, Ms. Kimberly Starks! I was beyond amazed to listen to how eloquent and comprehensive Ms. Starks was in explaining marketing concepts to me. Not only is she knowledgeable in the marketing field, but she’s also an entrepreneur who knows a thing or two about managing the organization for success!
Author Archives: kingtc5
Tiffany King_SME Interview with Amber Hunter_Cherry Bekaert, LLP in Atlanta, GA
I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing Ms. Amber Hunter of Cherry Bekaert, LLP and hearing her informative perspective on the immense role accounting plays for businesses. Ms. Hunter’s knowledge shines through in this interview as she is able to capture how critical these spreadsheets can be for an organization. Since we are currently discussing chart of accounts in ENT 645, Ms. Hunter was able to lend her expertise and explain that while these charts are necessary for the tracking of expenditures and streams of revenue, they are also able to predict a company’s viability and subsequently their profitability….This interview was definitely a treat and this lady really knows her stuff!
Tiffany King-SME Interview with Eugenia Banks of Imperial Bath Treats, LLC

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all enjoy this SME interview I was able to complete with small business owner Eugenia Banks of Imperial Bath Treats, LLC. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with her about her venture and hope that you guys will check out her store as well!
Tiffany King-Interview with Ron Beatty-Media Ad Billing Specialist Team Lead for Sirius XM Radio and Pandora

I thoroughly enjoyed completing this interview with Ron and was pleased that he would allow me the time to find out more information about his role with Sirius XM Radio and Pandora. Please find more information about him on my website as well as on YouTube.