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About ajordan2007

My name is Audrey Jordan, I completed my undergraduate degree at Methodist University receiving my Bachelor of Science in Biology concentration in Micro/Cell Biology with a minor in Chemistry and Leadership Studies. I am currently a graduate student at Western Carolina University pursuing Innovation Leadership and Entrepreneurship - M.E.


Jordan_Audrey_ENT630_SME Interview_Natalie Lamb

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Jordan_Audrey_ENT630_SME Interview_Natalie Lamb
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Hi everyone,

I had the pleasure of interviewing Natalie Lamb who is the director of laboratory services at Sampson Regional Medical Center in Clinton, North Carolina. I have included my audio interview with Natalie from today November 05, 2019. Natalie has worked in the laboratory setting for 21 1/2 years and prior to being the laboratory director she was the senior blood bank technologist for Sampson Regional Medical Center. Sampson Regional Medical Center was developed in 1950, consists of 146 total beds, and it is independently operated in the small rural town of Sampson County, NC. Sampson Regional is a community based hospital that takes pride in the community as well as surrounding communities. Being a small hospital in a small town allows for a better community approach with the individuals and everyone seems to treat each other like family. Natalie has staff members who work well together like family which alleviates those challenges of employees not working well together. It seems that in smaller facilities, employees have the opportunity to get to know one another just like a work family. Natalie sees everyday challenges especially with developing a schedule that can accommodate all employees while considering time off requests. However, with a smaller employee ratio schedules can be relatively easy until someone needs off or has to call out. Natalie mentioned knowing the budget well as a director she has the responsibility of overseeing the laboratory budget and ensuring everyone follows that budget. As Natalie said, passion plays a role in job performance. If you love your job your performance will be excellent and reflect that determination and motivation. Whereas, if you dislike your job you will not perform at a top notch level. One of the final concepts that Natalie pointed out is to always ask for help when needed and implement change where you see fit, this is important in any business. I’ve learned a lot from this interview with Natalie Lamb along with researching information about the hospital. Look forward to reading feedback provided!


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Jordan_Audrey_ENT600_SME Interview_Alice Wood

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I had the pleasure of interviewing Alice Wood who is the dental office manager for Dr. McCallister in Burgaw, NC. Alice has provided some beneficial information regarding managing a facility. This is an audio only interview between Alice Wood and myself.

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Entrepreneur Video Interviews

Jordan_Audrey_ENT645_SME Interview Amber Cava

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