Interview with Deidre Hopkins from The Mossy Squirrel
By: Mackensie Jimison
- Tell me a little bit about how you started The Mossy Squirrel sort of an overview?
The Mossy Squirrel didn’t come into existence until after I had received several requests for my handmade, hand painted signs, banners, and tote bags, to name a few. I mainly created items for my own personal decorating. When I saw something in a store that I liked and figured I could easily recreate them myself at a faction of the cost. It wasn’t until a local craft store owner approached me before the holidays because she had an overflow of requests for Christmas gifts. Shortly after the New Year, I was approached by a local real estate agent who wanted to purchase personalized wooden signs from me for his new homeowners that purchased through him. I knew at this point that I would be a lot busier with my little side business and would need to create a name and brand for myself…so the beginning The Mossy Squirrel.