Mr. Bharat Buha is a Founder and Proprietor of Royal Inks. Royal Inks is a ink manufacturing company based in Surat City, India. They are manufacturer of ink used in labeling of any items or products we buy in our day-to-day purchasing. Mr. Bharat established this company in year 2000 and looking forward to make it public limited in a year or two. It was my pleasure to have him on the show and interview him. 8 interview with Dustin Ramsey
Jack Crosby interviewing Dustin Ramsey
1) What do you want to get out of this entrepreneurial degree?
I am still on the fence about what I would like to do with this degree. My ultimate goal if I were to open a business would be to do so in an athletic field.
2) Do you already have business ideas that you want to put into action?
Jack Crosby/Janice Gibson interview
This is an interview with Cohort 8 member Janice Gibson. Janice and I really enjoyed interviewing each other and found that we have a lot in common. I’m excited for her future….