Written Interviews

Interview with Curtis Looney, Owner of Pitch Salon, San Francisco

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Interview with Curtis Looney, owner of Pitch Salon in San Francisco

Tell us about yourself – What is your educational and professional background (schools, degrees, jobs that led you to your current endeavor, location)

So, all I have as far as education is high school and beauty college. All of my former jobs before owning the salon I’m at have been retail (besides other salons that I worked at). Worked at JCPENNYS, Kmart, Don’t Panic Inc. and Does Your Mother Know. Was an Assistant Manager at Don’t Panic when I was 18 and a manager of a salon I worked at as well.

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Cohort Written Interviews Cohort Audio Interviews

Entrepreneur Interviews conducted by Sean Miller

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In order to find the source of entrepreneurial motivation, which I refer to as the “It Factor” in my article published on Ezine (http://ezinearticles.com/?Some-Food-for-Thought:-The-It-Factor&id=6600358), I interviewed several successful entrepreneurs from all walks of business.  Each person was unique, but all impressed with their unwavering drive and desire to strike their own path.  Here are the men and women who inspired me through their words.

Mohammed Hussein is the owner of Ummah Couture Muslim clothing, www.ummahcouture.com, an online retailer dedicated to providing a one stop shop for Middle Eastern clothes and accessories.  He is also the founder of several up and coming startups to include www.fromlocal.com, an online forum for small local retailers to sell their products to the masses, and www.pledgedeals.com, a website dedicated to supporting local broadcasting stations through the sale of large group deals, an idea similar to the Groupon concept.  Please follow this link for the interview conducted with Mr. Hussein. Interview with Mohammed Hussein

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Entrepreneurship voices from Canada. Interview with Daniel Powell, owner of Fiber Design Inc, business specialized in Fiber Optics cable assembly, components and Design.

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While in an installation support in Canada, I was pleased to meet Mr. Powell, an entrepreneur in the fiber optic industry, his newly created Company is taking big steps in the manufacturing and distribution of cable assemblies for fiber optics systems.

Mr. Powel tell me a little bit how you started your company?

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