Entrepreneur Written Interviews Written Interviews

Stacy Chick of River Workout in Memphis

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Stacy Chick started the first outdoor fitness boot camp in Memphis in 2007. She had been instructing an indoor fitness boot camp at a local YMCA since 2005, but soon realized that both she and her clients were bored with it. Moving the boot camp to a local park on the Mississippi River was the solution. She began this project before outdoor boot camps became hugely popular, and has created a strong and successful program over the past 5 years.

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Interview with Paul Noakes – The Honest Mechanic

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The following is an interview I conducted with Paul Noakes.  Paul has decades of experience owning automotive repair shops.  He took a leap early in life to become his own boss and never looked back.  Paul transformed his interest and hobby into a livelihood.  Furthermore, he can truly be called a Jack of all trades because not only is he an expert with vehicles, but he has extensive knowledge of electrical work, plumbing, and landscaping.

When did you first become interested in cars?

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Audio Interviews Entrepreneur Audio Interviews

Sometimes opening a business is just Kismet – Interview with Jenny Austin owner of Always in Bloom LLC

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I had the pleasure of interviewing Jenny Austin, co-owner of Always in Bloom LLC Florist in Knoxville Tennessee. In this interview we talk about everything from starting, struggles, competition and small business advice.

Q: Jenny, thank you for allowing me to interview you today. My first question is just in general what is your background and how did you get into this industry?

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