Interview with Shawana T. Hudson, CPA, MSA of Thomas & Gibbs CPAs
By: Tanaya D. Jackson
Interview with Shawana T. Hudson, CPA, MSA of Thomas & Gibbs CPAs
By: Tanaya D. Jackson
Interview with: Jeffrey Kaplan, Venture Asheville Director. Tech junkie. Media maven. Academic entrepreneur. Dog lover.
Interviewed by: Nancy Critcher-White, Leadership HR Professional and Graduate Student at WCU, studying Entrepreneurship
I conducted my first Entrepreneurial Planning interview with Roshaunda Freeman who is not only the founder of 2 businesses, but she is also a fellow Masters of Entrepreneurship student. She is the founder of Vision Pix & Affordable Cleaning Service. I knew this interview would be brief considering her work & school schedule, so it was easiest to conduct the interview through email. Attached you will find the interview document along with her picture.
Interview with: Jeanne Eury, Practical Marketing/Business Strategist & Manager successful in Social/Digital/Traditional & Video Marketing working out of the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. Jeanne is also the Director of Member Services for the North Carolina Merchants Association.
Interviewer: Nancy Critcher-White, HR Professional and Graduate Student at WCU, studying Entrepreneurship